ISO 14001 Certification
In January 2022 BINIS SA was certified by the international certification body TÜV HELLAS (TUV NORD) S.A. for its environmental management according to ISO 14001:2004, proving its sensitivity for the environment and its protection.
National Organization for Medicines (EOF) certification
The Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity and the National Organization for Medicines have certified us for the distribution of the following cosmetics notified to EOF:
DQS Decision
DQS has certified Binis S.A. with decision No. ΔΥ8/1348/04, according to which Binis S.A. complies with the requirements of Ministerial decision ΔΥ8δ/Γ.Π.οικ./1348/2004 relating to trading medical devices.
ISO 9001:2015 standard
DQS has certified Binis S.A. to the ISO 9001:2015 Standard, κaccording to which our company has established and implements a quality management system which complies to the standard's requirements for IMPORTING AND TRADING COSMETICS, CLEANING PRODUCTS, PERSONAL HYGIENE AND HOUSEHOLD ITEMS.