ISO 9001:2015 standard

DQS has certified Binis S.A. to the ISO 9001:2015 Standard, κaccording to which our company has established and implements a quality management system which complies to the standard's requirements for IMPORTING AND TRADING COSMETICS, CLEANING PRODUCTS, PERSONAL HYGIENE AND HOUSEHOLD ITEMS

The company's management has adopted the policy of only distributing products of high quality as specified by international and national standards.

Our goal is to constantly improve our products and services and, to this end, the characteristics and efficiency of our products fully reflect market demand, while providing complete satisfaction to the customer.

This quality policy is issued in order to demonstrate the Management's commitment to quality, since such activities that aim at quality are necessary for the long-term success, competitiveness and reputation of the company, but also play a huge role in achieving personal growth and employee satisfaction.

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